
About Us

Living Waters Development, also known as LWD, started as an idea to help people with everyday needs. Moving out of state and trying to build back up is always going to be a fight. With the Lord by our side, we just knew that everything was going to be alright! At first, we dreamt small. Maybe just start in our neighborhood, get to know everyone and serve our purpose wherever we go. Being involved in our community has always been a passion of ours. So that's what we did. Whether it was being involved in our kids' school and sports, or just pouring out love to strangers, we didn't think much of it.
Not knowing what was to come, we had an abundance of interest at what we do because we are so different. Seeing homes that needed to be upgraded and seeing the outcome was something we knew we could accomplish! So, although it is great to help someone remodel, help with landscaping, pressure washing, or any of the other services we provide. We truly just love to see people smile. Our goals are that you feel so comfortable with us that you wouldn't have a doubt to give us a call for ANY service you may need. We value our employees and make sure that everyone has what they need and are ready to take on every project.

Our Mission

To provide top-quality service to our clients as we strive to exceed their expectations by delivering on time, within budget, and with a focus on safety and sustainability. Our goal is to build long-term relationships with our customers based on trust and reliability while giving back to impoverished communities around the world

Our Vision

To become a trusted name while never losing vision of our values, attention to detail, and the best for our clients and communities as we visualize being their valued partner with pride and passion.

Why Choose Us

We believe choosing a company to complete any of these services is very important. So that's why we pride ourselves in helping you plan, help choose the best options, and be in constant communication on the steps we take. LWD knows that with projects like this, budgeting and time frames are important. Our mission is for you to be satisfied with all that we do. Going above and beyond isn't just an option, it's what we strive for. We take pride in getting it done right the first time. Thats why we ask that you come and EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE WITH US!!






Meet The Team


Jose L. Gonzalez

Forman & Architect

Margarita Ortiz


Eliezer Vega

